Depression is mental disease that leads to periods of intense sadness. Patients experience hopelessness and are engulfed in the blues. It is more common to suffer from depression in the aftermath of a traumatic event like a death of a loved one, divorce, having a baby etc.

The symptoms of depression include changes in appetite whereby patients eat too little or too much, and likewise is the case with sleep. Patients lose interest in the activities that once gave them pleasure. Most become isolated and socially withdrawn.

Depressed people find it hard to concentrate on anything and so their attention is always split. They also are in perpetual state of fatigue and are tired all the time even if they rest. Moreover, they also suffer from feeling of worthlessness.

In extreme cases, depression can also lead to suicidal thoughts. It is therefore extremely important to enlist the help of a psychiatrist like Dr. Nadeem Akhter for the treatment of the patient, as negligence can also lead to loss of a precious human life.

Depression is not just a mental disease

Depression is a serios illness that severely impairs the quality of life. However, unlike the commonly held belief, depression effects not just the mental health, but has equally grave impact on the physical health as well.

Body Aches

Depression leads to bodily aches, especially stomachache. These do not even get better with painkillers and other similar medication. As chronic pain makes one more prone to depression, hence it sets forth a vicious cycle of perpetual blues.

Psychomotor symptoms

Psychomotor symptoms refer to the feelings of moving and thinking at a different pace than usual. Due to this, some depressed people feel that they move and think in a slow speed. Others experience hyperactivity and thus are fidgety all the time.

Sleep problems

Depressed people either sleep too much or too little, with either situation being just as dangerous for health.

Lack of sufficient sleep causes fatigue, problems concentrating, greater risk of accidents, heart disease, diabetes and even cancer.

Oversleeping leads to diabetes, obesity, heart disease, back pain, headaches and makes one even more prone to depression.


Depressed people always feel tired and lethargic, regardless of how much they rest or sleep. It also then negatively effects the quality of life. Perpetual fatigue also leads to lowered motivation.

Sexual Dysfunction

Sex is a primal human instinct but also carries immense benefits for health as well. It aids in destressing, improves heart health, decreases blood pressure and therefore lowers the risk of stroke and heart disease. It also improves immunity and sleep.

Depression, on the other hand, leads to sexual dysfunction. It thus causes decreased sexual drive, problems getting aroused –leading to erectile dysfunction in men–, makes it harder to orgasm, and some also have less pleasure when they do end up orgasming. Thus, depression not just deprives one from the pleasure of sex, but its numerous health benefits as well.

Heart disease

As depressed people also suffer from stress, they also are vulnerable to the dangers of high its high levels.

Stress leads to increased heart rate and vasoconstriction. When the body is subjected to chronic stress, it consequently has higher risk of hypertension and heart disease. People with untreated depression are more likely to die from a heart attack as well.

Weight problems

Due to the appetite changes in the body, depressed people suffer from weight problems. Some gain weight which leads to obesity at times.

Obese people have a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer and mental health issues.

Similarly, it also leads to loss in appetite in some people, leading to weight loss. Underweight people also suffer from a hoard of problems including nutrient deficiency, weakened immune system, infertility etc.

Digestive health Impaired

Depression also wreaks havoc on the gastrointestinal health. Depressed people suffer from appetite changes and are more prone to having nausea. Other problems like diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome are also common in patients with depression.

Immune system overworked

Depression also taxes the immune systems. As it weakens the body, it makes the person prone to getting sick more often. It’s is alleged that this is because of the inflammation caused by stress hormones and the subsequent weakening of the immune response but is due more research.

Depressed people are also more prone to infections and other illness. Common cold is a norm for them. Due to the weakened immune system, they are also vulnerable to infections, some of which then become hard to treat, and thus call for the intervention of a professional like Brig. Dr. Anwar Ul Haq.