Few things can be said to be quite so universally enjoyed as part of the human experience across the globe as wine. From the The Iliad, Odyssey, and Aeneid to those of the Torah, New Testament, and Koran, we see wine overflowing throughout Europe and the Middle East in oral and religious tradition. From Boccaccio to Borges, Sufi poets to the Shakespearean stage, Attar’s Iran to Hemingway’s Spain, wine is splashed across the pages of world literature’s greatest masterpieces. From Old World wine-making chateaus in Bordeaux to Napa’s lush Northern Californian vineyards to newer wine-growing hot spots in Australia and South America, wine can truly be called an international beverage.
So let’s raise a glass – Cheers! Prost! Lechaim! – and talk about what to look for when ordering a wine glass for yourself or others.
- The Right Glass Shape
One of the most important things to keep in mind when searching for wine glasses is, of course, the shape. While it’s only a legend that Marie Antoinette’s bust size helped inspire the popularity of the champagne coupe glass, for example, there’s no doubt that the glass’s design and association with luxury and opulence has helped lead to its long-term popularity.
On the other hand, sometimes wine glasses take their cue from the drinks themselves. Champagne flutes are designed with a narrow, aroma-focusing rim and long stem to help complement the drink. The same holds true of many different designs for red and white wine glasses.
You, thus, want to make sure that you are ordering the right type of wine glasses for the right wines. While beautiful wine glasses will always be top-shelf choices and the best wines always a joy to share, the glasses you choose can have a difference in how the wine tastes while allowing you to show off your wine prowess to your guests.
- A Matching Set
What’s better than one glass? A whole set of them. A matching set of wine glasses is one of the supreme dining accessories, affording you a great opportunity to show off a little personality and class while serving your guests. You’ll, thus, want to be on the lookout for wine glasses that come in sets and which likewise fit both your red and white wine needs, as well as your personal aesthetic tastes.
- Easy Wash
Let’s face it – for as much as we all love wine, we don’t necessarily always love trying to clean dozens of wine glasses at the end of a party. That’s why you’ll want to seek out wine glasses which feature easy to wash designs.
- Affordable Prices
Just because you are a wine aficionado doesn’t mean that you want to pay the price for being one. That’s why, while wine is classically associated with opulence, elegance, and a sense of expensiveness that can come with those things, there are actually a wide range of affordable wine glasses out there, so keep your eyes peeled.
Raise a glass to the innumerable fantastic wine glasses out there on the market today!