Blood urea is a byproduct of the normal metabolism of the body. The blood urea normal range is 20-50 mg/dL. In the kidneys, it is converted into creatinine and then eliminated from the body. Some potential dangers are associated with having a standard range of blood urea levels or lower than usual. High blood urea levels can lead to kidney failure and signify a more serious medical condition, such as kidney disease.

If your blood urea level is high, you must consult your doctor to determine the best action. In some cases, a high blood urea level may indicate that you need to see a kidney specialist.

How can I keep the blood urea regular?

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is a byproduct of the body’s natural detoxification process. When the level of BUN in the blood is too high, it can signify a problem. The normal range for BUN is 20-50 mg/dL. A level above 50 mg/dL may indicate liver problems, liver disease, or kidney disease. A level below 20 mg/dL may indicate anaemia, an illness, or heavy drinking.

You can do a few things to keep your BUN level in the normal range. First, drink plenty of fluids. Second, eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. Third, exercise regularly. Fourth, avoid excessive drinking. Fifth, get screened for liver and kidney disease every year.

How To Check My Blood Urea?

One can easily perform certain things to help keep their blood urea in the normal range. You can ask a doctor, but you can also do a few things independently.

  1. Check your blood urea level at home often.
  2. Monitor your blood urea level over time.
  3. Eat a healthy diet.
  4. Exercise regularly.
  5. Take vitamins and minerals.
  6. Consult with a doctor if your blood urea level is high or if you have any other complications.

What To Do If Blood Urea Is High?

If your blood urea is high, you can do a few things to keep the blood urea in the normal range. 

  • Consult with a doctor to find out what is causing the high blood urea and rule out any severe medical conditions. 
  • One should be drinking plenty of fluids and eating healthy foods to help replace the fluids that are being lost. 
  • Exercise regularly to help rid your body of excess water and toxins. 
  • Take medications prescribed by your doctor to help control your blood urea levels. 
  • Keep a close eye on your blood urea’s normal range and make any necessary adjustments to your lifestyle as needed.

What To Do If Blood Urea Is Low?

One should be very much aware of their blood urea’s normal range. BUN is a waste product of the body’s metabolism. It’s created when the liver breaks down the proteins in your blood. Normal BUN levels are between 20 and 150 mg/dL. When your BUN levels are high, it can indicate a problem with your liver, such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, or Wilson’s disease. When your BUN levels are low, it can signal a problem with your kidneys, such as renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, or cystic fibrosis.

How can I treat Blood Urea?

If your blood urea level is high, the body will increase the production of uric acid. This will cause the urine to become cloudy and to have a strong ammonia smell. 

If your blood urea level is low, the body will decrease the production of uric acid. This will cause the urine to become clear and to have a weak ammonia smell. 

If you are concerned about the blood urea level in your blood, you should visit your doctor. Your concerned doctor can perform a simple blood test to determine the level of blood urea in your blood and will also be able to provide instructions on how to keep the blood urea level within a safe range.

Blood urea above the normal range can be harmful for your body. So, it is always better to get it diagnosed and treated when there’s still time. 


Blood urea normal range is a crucial indicator of kidney function and can be used to diagnose and monitor kidney disease. We focussed on the different causes of high blood urea normal range and provided tips on keeping it within the normal range. You can always check out Ask Apollo for the perfect assistance in this field. Get complete information about the doctors at Apollo Hospitals who can develop world-class infrastructure and other facilities to provide the best treatment possible. Book your doctor consultation now!